Thursday, July 8, 2010

Shopping ban, part deux

Dress: Laundry by Shelli Segal;
Shirt: H&M;
Shoes: from Philippines, gift;
Bag: Thrifted.
Photos by me.

Here's what I wore on my day off Wednesday. It's been so oppressively hot that I would love to walk around in just underthings, but since society dictates clothing, I chose this instead. I think the outfit is more suited for spring weather because of the layering, but I like the color combination.

I've been having a tough time with wearing my dresses lately -- I feel like they're more fun to wear in winter/spring because they can be remixed and layered endlessly. In the summer, it's so hard to be creative with them when it's more than 100 degrees outside.
Because of this lack of creativity due to rising temperatures (and the buyer culture I work in), I've become a bit of a shopping glutton the last couple of weeks. It's hard not to fall into the persuasiveness of retail when working at a department store. All the phrases we sales associates tell customers ("You'll use it forever"/"It's a really good deal"/"It goes with everything") suddenly were working their charms on me. For the first six weeks of my job I was resolute and didn't buy anything; during the one-day sale, I bought some tights because they were only $2/pair. And pretty soon, the purchases climbed and got bigger in size: a clutch, dresses here, a sweater there. 
After realizing I have several items never been worn yet (which I'll have to spread out their debuts on the blog soon), I've decided I want to curb my spending habits by imposing a shopping ban on myself. I did one during The Dress Project which lasted almost two months. I think I'm just going to do this one for a month as an experiment, and see how much remixing I can do with what I have. One month of no clothing/accessories shopping. 
I think I can do it again. Wish me luck?

signature1 by you.

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