Monday, July 5, 2010

Life, liberty and karaoke

Dress: Donna Ricco;
Printed scarf: thrifted;
Shoes: from Philippines, gift from Mom.
Photos of me by Nikki, my sister.

Here's what I wore to my mom's Fourth of July barbeque. I know everyone voted for me to wear the blue star print dress, but when I tried it on, I knew I wouldn't be able to eat a lot in it, so I switched to the Donna Ricco standby. I realized going through my closet yesterday that I don't have much blue, so I improvised by wearing the patterned scarf. I really like how this all turned out.

My mom's barbeque was a lot of fun. She had us kids over as well as a lot of her Filipino friends and neighbors. One of my mom's friends brought over her karaoke machine, and can guess what the entertainment was for most of the night. Karaoke is so ingrained into Filipino-American culture. In the last 10 years, I think every Filipino party I've gone to has had a karaoke machine set up. Every party. Anyways, Jeremiah had such a kick out of singing, because he had never really sung at a Filipino party before, and he ended up getting the high score for the night! The party was a lot of fun, and my mom made us take about half the party food home, so we will be eating leftovers for the next two years.

How was your weekend?

signature1 by you.

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